Instructional Consultation
Trying out new discussion pedagogy techniques can be challenging. That is why the Discussion Project offers instructional consultation as an option to instructors who have taken the Discussion Project training (availability limited). Our team’s approach is to help you work on your goals in the time frame you have available. We help you design and implement discussion, and then reflect in order to improve over time. And because we know that teaching is demanding and that each instructor has many responsibilities, we offer a range of instructional consultation options. Please see below and note that this is not an exhaustive list.
Instructional Consultants
Instructional Consultation Options
Type of Instructional Consultation | Purpose | Communication Mode & Time Needed |
Resource location | To help you find a protocol or other resource to aid your planning | Email or meeting; 10 minutes to one hour |
Syllabus consultation | To help you review and refine your syllabus to better incorporate discussion at key points and integrate time for laying a foundation | Meeting; one to 2 hours |
Instructional design & planning | To help you design and implement discussions that serve your learning purpose | Meeting; typically one to two hours |
Classroom observation(s) with feedback | To receive non-evaluative feedback on your classroom implementation of a discussion process | 30-minute pre-meeting and 45 minute feedback session; further time TBD by you |
Analysis of student mid or end-of-course feedback | To have a thought partner in working through student feedback: What themes do you see? What’s most relevant? What’s worth adjustment? | Meeting; typically 30 minutes to 1 hour |
Instructional Consultation Cycle | To work consistently with a thought partner on the cycle of planning, implementation, and reflection | One to three two-hour cycles of pre- and post-meetings with classroom observation in between |
Collaborative Classroom Visit | To learn in a collaborative group about how to improve discussion and how to provide colleagues reflective feedback | Pre- and post-observation meetings; typically three to four hours |